
How has your 2023 been? Knowing it could be a rather difficult question for some people, I hope it’s not the case for you. While we all start to get into the mood for 2024, it’s never a better time to look back and reflect on your past for the new endeavor that lies ahead. It’s almost basic psychological needs for humans to look for external sources for "guidance" in the sense that we can finally "guarantee" things will go in the direction that we long for/ we're at least prepared for what's ahead.


The Future Rocks team has prepared a tarot card reading for you to get ready for all the good or challenges that lie ahead. Before picking a card, take a deep breath and silence your mind. When you feel ready, pick the card that you feel most drawn to, and feel free to pick more than one.


*Disclaimer: If you're into tarot reading, then this piece is definitely right up your alley. And if you're not, that's okay too, take this as lightly as you wish and have a good laugh.

The Magician

New year, new me!

New year, new me? In this case, yes. With the Magician card, you have everything you need to make your dreams come true. Getting The Magician card in a tarot reading signifies that you have high chances of succeeding with whatever you put your mind to. That new venture that came to your mind? The gym membership that you’ve been sleeping on? Now’s the time to take action. Like the magician shown on the card, you have the sword (representing mental clarity, thoughts, intellect), a cup that signifies emotional strength, a pentacle that indicates tangible tools, and a wand that signifies creativity, ambition, and inspiration to manifest your desires.

For those who have picked this card, congratulations! 2024 is the year for new beginnings and opportunities. Seize that opportunity and be the person you’ve always wanted to be. Even better, wear the Mimoke Infinity Necklace along your journey and may it be a constant reminder of the strength and infinite potential you possess.

The Magician

The Empress

You go girl!

Now is the time to jump on the trend and preach self-love all you want. A major arcana card, the Empress represents femininity, not only is 2024 the time for you to connect with your feminine self - which can be manifested in many ways, whether it’s taking time to care for yourself and the people around you, or engaging in different art forms (dance, painting, music etc.), it also suggests birth and fertility, which could also be interpreted as the birth of an idea or a project. Your love life, personal life and professional life will be one that is emotionally fulfilling and rewarding.


Kickstart the project that has always been on your mind, and be sure to keep yourself inspired and open for new ideas. There’s never been a better time for you to express yourself and appreciate the beauty around you. Don’t be shy and embrace the inner-Queen you’ve always felt inside you but were too afraid to show with the pieces from The Future Rocks  x Lightbox Jewelry Joy Collection. 

The Empress

The Star

New journey for the tired souls.

Kudos to you for making it through 2023 and reading this wherever you are! 2023 hasn’t exactly been nice to you and there were times when you felt like your world was falling apart but don’t worry, it will all be over soon. The challenges you have endured and the limiting beliefs that have held you back might have stripped you bare like the woman on the card. However, in Tarot terms, after a period of destruction and turmoil, The Star card comes after The Tower - representing massive change, upheaval, destruction and chaos, acting as a welcome respite. You are entering a new stage of your life, one that is filled with many possibilities and opportunities. Represented by the zodiac sign Aquarius, the Star card will be brining hope and healing your way in the year ahead.


2024 is a year where you will find and rediscover a sense of meaning, inspiration and purpose in your life. Take this card as a reminder that tough times have passed and wear the Orbit earring as a keepsake of your own strength and resilience.

The Star

The Hermit

Being "self centered" is key!

Like the Hermit shown on the tarot card, solitude is going to be your new norm in 2024. Represented by the zodiac sign Virgo, getting the Hermit card in a tarot reading urges you to take a break from your everyday life and put that attention inwards and find the answers you are looking for deep within your soul. The year ahead is one where you will experience spiritual growth if you focus on yourself. Notice how the hermit is holding a lamp up but has his head down? That’s because the answer you’ve been looking for lies deep within your heart and all you need is to put a pause on things and offer yourself the tranquility and clarity to listen to it.


The Ring is the perfect piece during this solitary period in your life, a reminder that good things take time just like The Future Rock’s very own innovative design, The Ring, which takes 59 hours of hand craftsmanship to cut, facet and polish. 

The Hermit

9 of Pentacles

The math is mathing!

The suit of pentacles in tarot symbolizes material possessions, and you have 9 of those on the card! In a rather self-explanatory sense, 2024 is a year where you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labour. Especially when it comes to financial matters, it will be a year where you have all the rights to splurge.


Your efforts, discipline and determination finally pay off and now is the time to enjoy the luxuries and pleasure of life. Two sides of the same coin, while you are enjoying the fruits of your labour, the sense of relaxation may cause one to question his/ her self-worth.


Take this tarot card as a reminder for you to take a step back and realize what you have accomplished along the journey. Yes, now is finally the time to reap what you sow, but don’t take this as a sign of laziness, celebrating all small victories takes you a long way. Even better, take The Future Rocks x Lightbox Joy collection as a reminder of the joy that life has to offer. 

Nine of Pentacles

6 of Cups

Only by understanding your past, will you be able to move on.

As opposed to The Magician card, new year = the old you this time around. That being said, it doesn’t mean you should stop reinventing yourself/ stay stagnant in life. It simply means 2024 is a year where you might be revisiting and reconnecting with your past, whether it be in your mind or physically traveling back to your childhood home. It will be a time when you dive deep into your past and begin understanding more about yourself and how you have grown/ changed ever since. Cups are all about emotions, and bittersweet memories might also resurface, but it’s a chance to let go of the past or simply forgive a certain someone who did you wrong. 


Notice how there’s a little girl on the tarot card? While, on one hand, it signifies your childhood; on the other hand, it also is a representation of your inner child. Take Design Lab’s Project III - Elements Collection as a reminder of the little things in life. Remember how happiness could just be as simple as receiving a piece of candy from your friend? Yes, this is just that.

Six of Cups

2 of Pentacles

2024 is all about making decisions!

Probably one of the most self-explanatory tarot cards in the deck, 2024 is the year where you’ll be juggling between different tasks and obligations. Only by understanding yourself and prioritizing what’s important will you be able to lead a balanced life. 2024 will be a busy year for you and it’s important to not push yourself too hard. Remember, there will definitely come a time when you could finish your task, but what’s important is to stay afloat on your journey.


Fortunately at The Future Rocks, the only thing you have to prioritize is whether you’d get more use out of Design Lab’s Project V - The Point’s Bezel Earrings or the Orapa Azul Necklace from Mimoke. But hey, it’s the end of the year, why not treat yourself to both? 

Two of Pentacles

Knight of Swords

Many opportunities lie ahead for you risk takers!

Like the knight shown on the tarot card, you are ambitious and all amped up. 2024 is the year for you to work hard and move forward with sheer strength and determination. Go all in on that management position you’ve always been eyeing on; apply that self-improvement course that came to mind a few years back. Simply put, there’s no better time for you to check off your bucket list.


Two sides of the same coin, while your ambition drives you forward, it could also be the very thing that holds you back from success. You are indeed quick to put your thoughts into actions, but your determination could often be blinding, leaving you unprepared for unforeseeable issues that may potentially get in the way. Inbilico’s Shiny Climbing Snake Earring captures the swift and smooth movement of the snake climbing up and reaching its target, acting as a reminder that by pushing through the obstacles, you too, will be able to reach new heights.

Knight of Swords

9 of Wands

Hard work will pay off!

I’d like to give those who’ve chosen this tarot card a pat on the shoulder. 2023 might have been an exhausting year for you, but the good news is, you are close to the end and things are only going to look better moving forward! See how the man on the card is holding one of the “wands” that are barred behind him? You may say he’s stuck and is trying to dismantle what’s in his way, but at the same time, you could also argue he’s the one setting the barrier. 


In this situation, it is actually both. This card is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, you are strong and have the ability to push through challenges even when they seem impossible, all while acting as a reminder that you should establish your boundaries from people who might have been draining your energy/ holding you back in the past year. Your efforts and hard work will bear fruit in the year ahead, you just have to keep pushing. Taking down one obstacle at a time, may the Honeymoon earrings act as the light at the end of the tunnel, signaling the good days are nearing.

Nine of Wands