Relationship: Anania and Kennah's Intimate Look into Their Bold Bond - The Future Rocks

Relationship: Anania and Kennah's Intimate Look into Their Bold Bond

While there need not be a special occasion to celebrate love, we never shy away from the opportunity to shine a spotlight on it. This June, as the world is reminded of “Love is love” and to embrace relationships no matter how each person identifies, we highlight TFR muses and models. Power couple Anania Orgeas (sister of Gaia Orgeas, whom we featured for Mother’s Day) and Kennah Lau let us in on their passionate bond. They share how fashion has played a role in expressing their identities and how everyday gestures are a universal love language.
A model wearing jewelry from women-led jewelry brands

International Women’s Day: Empower Your Sisterhood With Our Women-led Labels

During International Women’s Day, we explore some core pillars that hold up the colorful nature of womanhood. From the subject of sisterhood to the theme of constant striving for self-confidence that runs through all labels on our platform, we hope you find inspiration and encouragement in our stories.
Sustainable Valentine's Day Ideas - The Future Rocks

Everyday is Valentine’s Day: The Sustainable Way

For all its loved-up intentions, Valentine’s Day has garnered some not-so-lovable PR in recent years, with many conscious champions calling for a more earth-friendly approach to the holiday.